"Ik heb altijd gedacht dat het Paradijs een soort bibliotheek zou zijn" - Jorge Luis Borges

In gesprek met........Liselotte Roll Lotta en win actie !

Maandag, 4 april, 2016

Geschreven door: Liselotte Roll
Artikel door: Roelant de By

Please tell us, who is
Liselotte Roll?
I am a former archaeologist who found contemporary stories of today more
intriguing, so I became a journalist so that I would be able to write about
anything and everything. I have worked both with radio and as a news reporter
before I decided to become an author. Beside from writing I have just become a
vegan and I live with my family just outside Stockholm.
You write thrillers. Is
this a conscious choice?
Yes, thrillers gives me a great opportunity to write drama, since there
is a lot of that going on when it comes to life and death. It is also the kind
of books I prefer to read myself.
How would you describe your
method of writing?
Now, working with the huge publisher Harper Collins, I write from a
synopsis, it makes the story clearer and it doesn´t have to be edited
afterwards in the same annoying way, but the first two books in the Kalo series
wasn´t written this way, but on pure enthusiasm. I get most of my ideas in the
Did you always wanted to
become an author and if so, at what age did you came to that conclusion?
I wrote a story about two ghost when I was twelve, and I probably knew
then that I would write something, someday. When my son got sick in 2012, he
was susceptible to infection, I had to be at home with him and I wrote my first
book then (“Bittere Zonde”) with great support from my husband.
You have an idea for a new
book. How do you get started and do you have a fixed writing ritual?
I usually make a map with the characters and their relations to each
other, The story and the characters are equally important to me.
How exciting is it for you
when a new book is published?
It is exiting and also purifying. I usually put all old drafts in the
fireplace. Then there is a small time, a week or two before I get restless and
have to write something new.
For those who aren’t
acquainted with your books, please describe your writing style and give us a
reason to read them.
The books in the Kalo series have a fast exiting pace and are pretty
dark. The married couple in the lead has a lot to lose and are in serious
trouble with a vicious killer. The female lead Linn, who is a therapist
and  more intelligent than her husband,
has applied to many readers.
How important is the
contact between you and your readers? And how do you experience that?
Since I write in my home, the contact with the readers is very
important. The press and the publishers are professional contacts, but to meet
readers is something joyful on a more personal level. For example a Dutch fan
posted a picture of himself reading my book ‘Bittere Zonde’ in front of his
fireplace. I think it was a  really nice
Do you read a lot and what
do you read?
Between my own books I try to read, both so called finer literature and
the opposite, the only thing I don´t read (at least since adolescence) is
What was the latest book
you read?
I often have several books going on. On my shelf right now is John
Steinbeck Grapes of Wrath (inspiring language), Henri Papillon,  Charrière Papillon (a very male book) and
Stephen Kings Misery (my good she is scary…)
Do you want to pass on a
certain message to your readers with your books?
Mostly I just want the readers to relax from reality for a while, I
often have a strike of childhood darkness in my books but it´s no lecture to be
taught unless you make up your own.
How important do you think
social media is such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, ……….?
I tried to keep away from it at first, but hey, I live in the world and
it is changing regardless if I want it or not, so now I´ve joined Facebook to
my publishers delight, and it has been quite nice so far. Just happy people
Do you find it important
what people think of you?
Luckily I´m 42 now and have been through some ordeals in my life so I am
not as sensitive as I was when I was younger. But of course I would find it
unpleasant if somebody went berserk and hated me on the net, but wouldn´t
If you don’t write, what do
you do in your spare time? Do you have hobbies and what are they?
Oddly, I am a vegan with Chickens in my backyard, haven´t decided what
to do with the eggs yet, at the moment they don´t lay any. They give me a lot
of pleasure. I also like gardening and to illustrate. I even illustrated a
children’s book once.
What is your ultimate
(writers) dream?
At the moment I am working at a new crime series called Brothers that
will be launched in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland next year. It´s a story
of two brothers who´s bipolar mother gets killed and it poses an interesting
question. Would you love your brother even if he wasn´t? It is a family drama
as well as a thriller which I like. But I would like to continue with the
Kalo-series simultaneously.
What do you think is your
best book so far?
Not considering ”Brothers” that are yet to come it might be the second
or third book in the Kalo-series, but my debut ”Bitter Zonde” has sold in seven
countries so it can’t be all too bad either.
You studied archaeology.
Was that a conscious choice and did you do something with it after you
I went to Argentina and worked in the Pree-Andes. excavating a campsite
of a pre-Inca people. I also worked as a guide in different Swedish museums.
During your period in
Argentina you were confronted with the reign of terror of the Junta. How did it
change you and how do you reflect on that?
I was there fifteen years ago, but I stayed in the house of an
Argentinian family and the scars they had and their stories affected me a lot.
They took me to cemeteries and I met a lot of people who had lost their loved
ones. I used some of those influences in “Bittere Zonde”.
I’ve read your first book
and I really liked it. I also liked the fact that Magnus his wife plays a role
in this book. Will she be involved again in your other books?
Linn is just as important as Magnus, if not more. She is the one who
reflects in a more subtle, intelligent way and he is nothing without her. Their
happiness as a couple makes the killers threat even scarier.

You said there are already
2 books published in Sweden. When will the second and third book be published
in The Netherlands? Have you any idea? 
The third book has not yet been published here but will be. I don´t know
when the sequels are to be published in the Netherlands yet, but I will keep
you updated on this.
Are we going to have a
chance to meet you one day when your second or third book will be published?
Have you considered doing a tour in different countries?
I was actually in Amsterdam last year and met De Geus but I hope to be
able to visit again. I´ll let you know when a trip gets planned.
I’m a big fan of
Scandinavian authors like Läckberg, and certainly
Cilla & Rolf Börjlind. Which are your favourite
I actually like foreign authors better, for example the British crime
writer Val McDermid.
Who reads your books the
most? Men or women?
Hopefully both.
Do you choose the covers
yourself or has the publisher any contribution in that?
I have very little influence when it comes to the covers abroad, but the
publisher in Sweden generally listens to my suggestions, although I try not to
say too much, the designers generally do great work.
Would you like to see your
books as a TV-series?
Of course and my agent is working on it.
How do you like the books
world so far?
It has mostly ups, the writing is of course great, but you have to work
harder than you can imagine on other parts and keep calm.
Have other authors read
your book(s) and if so do they tell you if they like it or not?
I actually don´t know if any other authors have read my books. But I
have had some contact with other authors regarding other matters.
Thanks to Liselotte
for this interview!
Much appreciated.

Uitgeverij De Geus – Linda
Bertens – bedankt voor deze mogelijkheid!!

Nancy (team De Perfecte Buren)

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